360 virtual tours – What and How…

360 Virtual Tours Tutorial – Introduction

When you have been in the business of producing 360 Virtual Tours for 9 years, it is very easy to assume that everyone knows what a virtual tour is, and how they are produced. However, questions asked by property owners would suggest in fact, that this is not the case. I remember one property owner asking me at the end of the shoot, could she look at the tour, not realising the work that is required once we have finished the shoot.

So, in order to unveil the mysteries around 360 Virtual Tours, and to set out what a Virtual Tour is, and how they are made, we will be running a series of tutorials, over the coming weeks and months, looking at the various steps that are taken to produce your virtual tour.

I apologise in advance to other Virtual Tour companies who may use other processes and equipment. This 360 virtual tours tutorial is based on what we use and do at 360virtual-tours.net

First of all “What is a 360 Virtual Tour?”

Some companies claim to offer virtual tours for as little as £25, but what is a virtual tour?

If you were to look around of a Castle, for example, you would want to see more than just one room. One room is NOT a virtual Tour, it is simply one scene. We regard a 360 Virtual Tour as a complete presentation of a property, including if appropriate, an interactive floor plan and possibly still or panoramic images of the grounds. In this way you enable your website visitors a complete view of the property. Our virtual tours also show the complete room including floor and ceiling and not a large logo image on the floor.

360 Virtual Tours Tutorial Example

Click on the image below to enter the tour.

360 Virtual Tours Tutorial

So, this is one of our 360 Virtual Tours… in the next episode, we will look at the equipment we use to photograph our virtual tours. Keep coming back.

360 Virtual Tours Tutorial